Relics of Buddha

Relics of Buddha

Journey Through Time: Exploring the Relics of Buddha Gautam Buddha is one of the most significant figures in human history, and his impact on spirituality, philosophy, and culture has been profound. Born as Siddhartha Gautama in ancient India, he lived a life of privilege and luxury as a young prince. However, he eventually left his…

What is fiber statue?

What is fiber statue?

The world of art and sculpture is vast and varied, with an array of mediums available to artists to showcase their creativity and imagination. One such medium that has garnered considerable attention in recent years is fiber statues. What is fiber statue? Well, these statues are created by using a blend of traditional craftsmanship and…

Lord Kartikeya

Lord Kartikeya

Lord Kartikeya, also known as Murugan, Subrahmanya, or Skanda, is one of the most fascinating deities in Hindu mythology. His origin story is laden with symbolism and profound significance, and his birth is believed to have been out of cosmic energies and divine intervention. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Kartikeya was born to Lord Shiva…

Stone Used For Statues

Stone Used For Statues

Enter The Stone Studio, a magical place where sculpture skill plays out in a symphony of infinite invention and flawless workmanship. Travel through time with us, where sculptors, like curators of ancient art, have drawn inspiration from the earth’s vast resources. Embarking on this artistic journey, we have intentionally selected stones renowned for sculpting, ensuring…

Goddess Saraswati Puja

Goddess Saraswati Puja

Saraswati Puja is an important festival in Hindu culture that is celebrated with great devotion and fervor. Goddess Saraswati Puja represents the embodiment of knowledge, art, and wisdom, and is dedicated to honoring Goddess Saraswati. She is considered the deity of learning, creativity, and all things artistic. The festival is celebrated on the fifth day…

Gokarna Ganesha

Gokarna Ganesha

Have you heard of Gokarna? It’s a beautiful place located on the pristine coastline of Karnataka, India, and it’s not just the natural beauty that draws people there. Gokarna is also a place of great spiritual significance that beckons seekers of tranquility and devotees alike. At the heart of this spiritual town lies an ancient…

Jizo statues

Jizo statues

If you ever find yourself wandering through the picturesque landscapes of Japan, keep an eye out for whimsical stone statues that seem to embody the essence of the enchanting surroundings. Have you ever wondered about the tales these moss-covered figures silently tell? Well, let’s go on an adventure of curiosity and discovery as we unravel…

5 faces of lord Shiva

5 faces of lord Shiva

Lord Shiva is a revered deity in Hindu mythology, embodying divine power, cosmic balance, and spiritual transcendence. Adorned with ‘Jata’ (matted hair), a crescent moon, and a third eye, he stands as a complex divine power, reflecting the concept of Panchamukha Shiva – the 5 faces of lord Shiva, the mighty God. Embarking on this…

Foyer Decor Ideas

Foyer Decor Ideas

When it comes to making a statement in your home, the foyer is like the opening act of a grand performance. It’s where your guests get their first impression, so why not make it unforgettable? The foyer is where your home decor journey begins, and with a little personality and charm, it can become a…