Meaning of Mudras


Mudras are the non-verbal form of expressions that are created with the help of few hand gestures and finger posters. The communication of mudras is some divine signs and an extremely stylized form of gestural communication. We should properly understand the Meaning of Mudras before performing any meditation. It is also considered as inner resolve gestures which are suggested as a better form of communication than the word utterances.

When we talk about postures, we visualize different postures and hand mudras of Lord Buddha in his different forms of life. We can also notice those gestures in other godly figures and even in the traditional dancing forms of different states. They indicate to the faith in a simple way the nature and the function of the deities represented.

Mudras are thus gestures that symbolize divine manifestation. They are also used by monks in their spiritual exercises of ritual meditation and concentration and are believed to generate forces that invoke the deity.

The Buddha expresses the potential for true, peace, and goodness that is inherent within each human and every sentient being. If you want to take it a step further, select a deity to display in your home holding a particular mudra to intensify your spiritual purposes. Every mudra has some meaning and purpose behind the gesture. When we are selecting Diety for our home we should be knowledgeable enough to choose what we are yearning the most to look forward to. If you are interested in bringing that positivity and peaceful sign to your home, you are at the right place!
Let’s enhance our knowledge of the meaning of mudras before advancing in serenity!


Dhyana Mudra
Ancient Sinhalese rock temple with 4 Buddha statues, including 2 seated, 1 standing & 1 reclining.

Meaning of Mudras: It is also known as Samadhi or Yoga mudra. It is performed with the help of two hands which are placed on the lap and place the right hand on the left hand with stretched fingers (thumbs facing upwards and other fingers of both the hand resting on each other.) This is the characteristic gesture of Buddha Shakyamuni, Dhyani Buddha Amitabh, and the Medicine Buddha. Typically this mudra is depicted with the hands resting in the lap or at the heart center.

Best placement: Since this mudra is correlated to meditation and contemplation, it would be supportive for the meditation area of your house.



Meaning of Mudras: This gesture is also known as “touching the Earth” which represents the moment of the Buddha’s awakening as he claims the earth as the witness of his enlightenment. It is performed with the help of the right hand, which is held above the right knee, reaching toward the ground with the palm inward while touching the lotus throne. When the Buddha became enlightened, he touched the earth with this mudra during his meditation. The earth was touched and witnessed the awakening.

Best placement: Since the Buddha touches the earth, this is a mudra that can ground and encourage you in any room of the home. The center of your home is also a advised spot since it’s related to the earth elements.


Stupa, statue of Buddha, cave No 10, Viswakarma temple, Ellora caves, UNESCO World Heritage site, Maharashtra, India, 7th-8th century.

Meaning of Mudras: It is also called the gesture of ‘Teaching of the Wheel of Dharma’ that describes one of the most important moments in the Buddha’s life as he performed the Dharmachakra mudra in his first sermon in Sarnath after he attained enlightenment. It is performed with the help of both the hands which are held against the chest, the left-facing inward, covering the right facing outward.

Best placement: The Buddha is said to have used this mudra when he first practiced after his enlightenment. A wheel rotates, and so represents movement and transformation. Similarly, the placement of the dharma chakra mudra in your home can motivate progress and flow.



Meaning of Mudras: This mudra represents the offering, welcome, charity, giving, compassion, and sincerity. It is performed with the help of both the hands in which the palm of the right hand facing forward and fingers extended and the left-hand palm placed near the omphalos with extended fingers. Varada Mudra is also typical of Buddhist iconography from Southeast Asia. Deities who are bestowers of wealth are depicted cupping a fruit or jewel in their right hand.

Best Placement: Northwest areas of your home or office. Varada Mudra is also known as the distinguishing mark of Ratnasambhava. It can bring a different sense of contentment and fulfilling vibes to your house.


Big buddha statue in buddhism temple in Thailand

Meaning of Mudras: This gesture signifies the warding off evil which is performed by raising the index and the little finger and folding the other fingers. It helps in reducing sickness or negative thoughts.This hand gesture is also called warding off the evil.

Best Placement: If you have a Buddha with the Karana mudra, be very mindful about its placement, be it in a home or office. Do not place it in the front door because this is the place of welcoming energies. In the same way, you do not want it in your bedroom or your child’s room too.



Meaning of Mudras: This gesture denotes the fiery thunderbolt that symbolizes the five elements, i.e. air, water, fire, earth, and metal. It is performed with the help of the right fist, left-hand forefinger, which placed by enclosing the erect forefinger of the left hand in the right fist with the tip of the right forefinger touching (or curled around) the tip of the left forefinger. It radiates a glowing river of the most beautiful golden energy – soft, kind, radiant, very healing, ever-lasting.

Best Placement: This gesture of Buddha develops confidence in self and emits positive energy to our living. The best placement for this statue is the heart fo the house, it may be your living area, centre of the house our main entrance.



Meaning of Mudras: It signifies the discussion and transmission of the teachings of the Buddha. It is performed by joining the tips of the thumb and the index fingers together while keeping the other fingers straight, which is just like to meaning of Mudra and varada mudra but in this Mudra the thumbs touching the index fingers. Close to Abhaya Mudra, the energy created by this hand gesture allows for a transmission of knowledge in a protected way, without being impeded by fear.

Best Placement: The best placement for this gesture is the library or the study places around your house.



Meaning of Mudras: It is a gesture of fearlessness or blessing that represents the protection, peace, benevolence, and dispelling of fear. It is performed with the help of the right hand by raising to shoulder height with a bent arm and the face of the palm will be facing outward with fingers upright whereas the left hand hanging down while standing. This gesture is characteristic of Buddha Shakyamuni and Dhyani Buddha Amoghasiddhi. The meaning of Abhaya mudras is no-fear.

Best Placement: This mudra may be effective in your home when you need to strengthen your boundaries while still opening your heart with confidence. Boundaries are related to the earth elements and so this mudra can invite more fearlessness in how you engage with the world.



Meaning of Mudras: This gesture denotes the supreme enlightenment by connecting oneself with divine universal energy. It is performed with the help of both the hand, which placed at the heart and the index fingers touching and pointing upwards and the remaining fingers intertwined.Try holding the Uttarabodhi mudra for a couple of minutes and sense the subtle energy shift in your body! 

Best Placement: South or North areas of home or office. You can also place it in a prominent, high energy spot in your living room.



Meaning of Mudras: It is also called ‘Namaskara Mudra‘ or ‘Hridayanjali Mudra’ that represents the gesture of greeting, prayer, and adoration. It is performed by pressing the palms of the hands together in which the hands are held at the heart chakra with thumbs resting lightly against the sternum. It is a gesture of salutation, a symbol of respect and devotion to a higher being.

Best Placement: Your main entry, dining, or living room, or home office. As we always greet our loved ones in those inscribed places. This gesture brings calmness and self of devotion towards one another.

Hope this piece of knowledge will help you, people, to deal with all the confusion while buying your next buddha serene statues for your home and office. I’m here to answer all the queries related to choosing your best statue. Have a great buy!

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