Krishna Symbolism

Krishna symbolism

Krishna, Lord Vishnu’s eighth avatar, is a lord on his own terms. He is revered for being down to earth, for remaining among the regular people, and resolving their problems. The stories of Krishna’s miracles from his birth to the end of the Mahabharata are enough to make him a hero for numerous tribes. The numerous facets of Krishna’s existence with which he is surrounded are illustrated by Krishna symbolism. He is the source of all existence as a human. He is the creator and guardian of humanity’s awareness. Krishna is the most beautiful name, attracting ultimate heavenly forces and positivity from all directions.

Lord Krishna is known by many other names. Bal Gopal, Radhesh, Govind, Kanha, Vasudev, Mohan, Muralidhar, Madhusudan, Damodar, and many more names have been given to him.

Krishna, also known as Kanha, emerges in the world from time to time to free his people from materialistic beliefs, reveal to them the way of love, and defeat the demonic forces that surround them. He engages in superhuman feats like consuming forest fire, lifting mountains with a little figure, and fighting mighty demons, among others.

Bal Gopal

Bal Gopal is one of the Hindu religion’s most respected and beloved gods. Little Bal Gopal began displaying his heavenly talents and playful actions as early as his birth, which we all know as the Bal Leela. He enthralled everyone with his exaltation till he was ten years old. Little Bal Gopal’s Leelas entails destroying and shattering a slew of bad spirits and demons sent by Kansa to assassinate him. Demoness Putana, Demon Trinivarta, Aghasura, Bakasura, Demoness Putana’s brothers, dancing on poisonous Kaliya Naag, and many more are among the bad spirits sent by Kansa.

What does Krishna mean?

What does Krishna mean

The term “Krishna” comes from the Sanskrit word “Krsna,” which means “attractive one” or “dark blue.” Krishna is thought to be the most attractive person in Vrindavana, attracting not only human clans but also cows, calves, birds, creatures, trees, plants, and even the river.

The cowherd lads, the Gopis, Nanda Maharaja, the Pandavas, and all of the human civilization find him appealing. Krishna is also a Hindu name that means ‘absolute truth.’

Lord Krishna Symbolism

Lord Krishna is the most venerated god of all time, and he is lavishly decked by all living things. He can be seen in many various forms, blissfully holding his flute with cows standing behind him, enjoying his melody. In a variety of ways, his gestures and surroundings reflect his personality. From his ornamentations and gestures, one may deduce his views and teachings. He combines calm and simplicity to create a serene environment to live in.

Let’s go further into it and understand more about Krishna’s symbolisms.

Krishna peacock feather

Lord Krishna’s peacock feather signifies beauty and knowledge. Peacocks are the most beautiful creature on earth and are known to be the most attractive birds. Kanha from his childhoods has been shown to be the admirer of feathers of this bird. He adorns himself with a peacock’s feather on his head.

When Kanha was playing his flute on the Govardhan hills, the lovely melody that flowed out caused the peacocks to dance in joy and excitement. They spread their feathers at the end of a long dance, and the king peacock donated his feathers as a gift with great humility. The lord received it and wore it as a decoration. The peacock feather also signifies the purity of loving without physical desires. Which is a common phenomenon shared by peacock and peahen.

Krishna bamboo flute

Krishna bamboo flute

Krishna is a music enthusiast who is recognized for attracting everyone with his music, both living and non-living. Here’s a little background on his favorite instrument and his fondness for it.

Kanha used to rush into the gardens and woodlands as a child, and he was always thrilled to demonstrate his appreciation for the plants and trees. Trees and plants, in turn, adore them and delight in providing him with the finest fruits and flowers. Krishna raced into the bush one day and requested the bamboo tree for a tiny stem, and the bamboo was so happy that he forgot about the agony he would experience cutting it.

Kanha apologized for injuring the bamboo, but he pledged to cherish it and keep it close at all times. He cut the plant and turned it into a lovely flute. It was utterly hollow on the inside, but as Krishna began playing the melody, it began to draw all creatures to it. Everyone was ecstatic as they listened to the music.

All the Gopis were irritated by Kanha’s devotion to the flute. They also pondered what virtuous deeds the flute must have done in order for it to be granted eternal association with the Lord of their souls.

Why does Krishna have blue skin?

The color blue represents eternity, and who could be more authentic and timeless than the creator himself? The whole region is covered with blue, including the sky, rivers, and oceans, and hence the portrayal is recognized as the divine hue of the Lord. Lord Krishna’s blue color represents the expanse of his character, the depth of his vision, and the unerring timeliness of his actions. His blue hue spans the whole cosmos. The cosmos, or galaxy, is blackish, or beyond human view, despite the millions of bright lights in the sky.

Kanha had faced several demons such as Putna and Kalia Naag, both of which were toxic, according to some. He received the poison from them in order to fight them, which turned him blue.

Smiling Krishna

smiling krishna

Lord Krishna is always shown as a smiling figure, whether in paintings or monuments. He demonstrates how to be cheerful in any circumstance. Life is full of adventures, ups, and downs, but we should always remember to look on the bright side. His smile is contagious, and we like seeing it on his face. We’ve heard numerous stories about the difficulties he’s faced in his life, yet he always maintains a lovely grin on his face.

He is a wise man who understands everything. He also believes in humanity’s goodwill and is able to see past their foibles. He is supposed to be a lover’s dream who can make anything happen.

Krishna cloths

Lord Vasudev’s clothing represents pure limitless consciousness, and we frequently see him dressed in yellow. The color yellow is associated with the earth. Yellow is a very energizing color. This color awakens and energizes us by stimulating our nerves, glands, and brain. Yellow helps us remember things and motivates us to communicate. It’s a hue that encourages engagement and activity.

He instilled in everyone the need to concentrate and believe in oneself. He believes that a person’s development or withering is due to his own actions. He assisted individuals with their problems and encouraged them to handle the problems in the same manner.


Lord Krishna is the Hindu god of love, pleasure, and peace. He also gives the highest teachings, which serve as an ideal example for the rest of the world. According to the Bhagavad Gita, we must first and foremost achieve individual and societal harmony. We must be entirely linked to God in order to do this.

Krishna statue placement

Explore The Stone Studio’s unique collections to get customized replicas of famous Radha Krishna statues & Bal Gopal idols!

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